Please leave any messages, share some of your experiences with Sue or your thoughts on her book ‘Fear No Boundary’ – One Woman’s Amazing Journey, written by Lincoln Hall.
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Victor Yee
3 years ago
An inspiration
Rob Aalders
3 years ago
Sue was terrific. I met her a few times in Nepal.
scott pinnegar
3 years ago
Terrific website and a terrific person. She was close to us all and always willing to dedicate her time to help out.
Gillian O'Malley
3 years ago
Remembering a pioneering adventurer on the fifteenth anniversary of her passing, to her family and friends who miss her, thanks for inspiring all to go for their dreams.
3 years ago
i fondly remember having dinner with Sue prior to embarking on a world expeditions trip with Tim Mcartney Snape in 1994. My first trip to Nepal. She spoke with such confidence about her work as a guide which was inspiring to hear. Sue’s fierce determination around her climbing goals told me about the critical mindset you need to be a climber. I was very impressed.
Jocelyn Armstrong - Bode
3 years ago
I remember Sue with love and affection and admiration. I was her flat mate in Wollstonecraft Sydney from 1992 to 1996. There was never a dull moment. I remember when she would arrive home from a big overseas trek with so much climbing gear and stuff – I thought she was going to set up camp on our huge patio.I used to worry terribly about her whenever she left to go on one of her big mountain climbs and lived in fear I would turn on the tv one night to learn she was missing. Sadly my worst fears came true when I turned on the television that Sunday night and every tv station was featuring her tragic accident. I went into shock not sleeping for the next 4 nights. I have a beautiful picture of her my Sydney my friends obtained for me and had it blown up and framed and she hangs on our hallway wall where many people who visit us on the Gold Coast want to know all about her. Every year on this date I light a candle for her. She will never be forgotten. I know God will be keeping her busy in heaven organising all sorts of challenging tasks for her.
Gone from sight but forever in our hearts.
Marissa King
3 years ago
We first met Sue in August 2003 shortly after her Everest ascent, then again in May 2005 when she accepted an impromptu visit to the Junior School where I was a Teacher-Librarian. Different groups came and went depending upon their classes and Sue was most accommodating. For all it was an inspiring and special experience that left an indelible impression. During the following days, several students thanked me for her visit and told me how much she had inspired them. They especially liked the fact that she was an ordinary person to whom they could relate, despite her incredible feats. My husband and I remember her with great fondness. Marissa King, Launceston. Tasmania
Joanne Boreham
3 years ago
As a teacher at Avalon PS I will never forget Sue’s inspirational visit. At the time I was teaching 1/2/3 composite class of very bright children and they were full of questions, excitement and wonder as Sue related her experiences and passion about the mountains, Nepalese people and the beauty of the wilderness. She encouraged the children to follow their dreams and to be passionate about their life journey ahead. I remember her saying the most dangerous part of the climb was the descent and sadly this was true for Sue. As the anniversary of her passing is remembered I wish to send my thoughts and love to her family and let you know she inspired a young generation of children to unlock their adventurous spirit, be humble and appreciate the beauty of nature around them. Her spirit will live on forever.
Rest softly Sue in your beloved mountains and thank you.
3 years ago
I meet Sue a couple of times in Sydney . She was an inspirational,amazing,friendly and down to earth person.I have a signed australia geography photo of sue on Mount Everest 2003 on my wall. Rest In Peace .
Joanne Diver
3 years ago
Hello my friend, It has been a while and I miss having a chat with you, catching up on news and adventures. You would be surprised at how we’ve all grown, in so many ways. All is well, lots of love, Joanne
Very sad, as someone who has been to Nepal 24 times and works with the AHF, I would luv to have met Sue in my Himalayan travels. Now Sue and Lincoln can talk about the “dherai ramro himal” good times in the mountains . . . Doug Grant
Dunja Ganama
3 years ago
About 18 years ago I attended a conference in Tassie. My roomie was Sue – I had no idea who she was. The opening night of the conference went rather late and I remember, climbing out of bed, Sue came back in, returning from a long morning run, offering me a cuppa with a her signature grin. I admired her mind over matter already that morning. Wondering over to the conference, my jaw dropped, when I saw her walking on stage, being “kinda a big deal” and listening to her talking to the audience about the strength of one’s mind, I smiled to myself about the fact, that Sue had no inflated ego at all – she was happy to be just a roomie at a conference.
We laughed about this, days later, when I told her that I admired her climbing accomplishments. Her response was, “Dunja, it is overrated. Anyone healthy can do it, if your mindset is right. What sets one apart as a leader is the fact that you are able to make life changing decisions in a matter of split seconds”. What a passionate leader she was – she keeps inspiring many of us years after her passing.
Gavin Rutzou
3 years ago
Good job fellas – a lovely tribute to your sister – a truly remarkable person.
Daryl Costin
2 years ago
I climbed with Sue in Cordillera Real in Bolivia and Cordillera Blanca Peru in July 1992. She kindly loaned me $USD100 after I was running low on funds (robbed in La Paz). Attached two photographs of acclimatization climb on Ala Izquierda (right wing) of Condoriri (5648 m) on 8th July 1992. Sue is standing on the top of a rock rib on the prominence with Huayna Potosi (6088 m) in the background.
It was great to see her go all the way on the 8000ers.
Your photo of Sue appears to be above the terminal moraine and lake of the glacier below Wallunaraju in the Cordillera Blanca near Huaraz, Peru
Jacqueline Ballard
2 years ago
Hi John and Grahame. It’s Jackie Ballard here – I am going to climb the highest mountain in England in memory of Sue on what would have been her 60th birthday next week. All our childhood we both shared the vision of great adventures! I have created a fundraising page on the Fred Hollows site to commemorate the walk. Wish me luck! Fingers crossed it does not snow! Thinking of you both. JB The Fred Hollows Foundation – Climbing a mountain in memory of childhood friend Sue Fear
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An inspiration
Sue was terrific. I met her a few times in Nepal.
Terrific website and a terrific person. She was close to us all and always willing to dedicate her time to help out.
Remembering a pioneering adventurer on the fifteenth anniversary of her passing, to her family and friends who miss her, thanks for inspiring all to go for their dreams.
i fondly remember having dinner with Sue prior to embarking on a world expeditions trip with Tim Mcartney Snape in 1994. My first trip to Nepal. She spoke with such confidence about her work as a guide which was inspiring to hear. Sue’s fierce determination around her climbing goals told me about the critical mindset you need to be a climber. I was very impressed.
I remember Sue with love and affection and admiration. I was her flat mate in Wollstonecraft Sydney from 1992 to 1996. There was never a dull moment. I remember when she would arrive home from a big overseas trek with so much climbing gear and stuff – I thought she was going to set up camp on our huge patio.I used to worry terribly about her whenever she left to go on one of her big mountain climbs and lived in fear I would turn on the tv one night to learn she was missing. Sadly my worst fears came true when I turned on the television that Sunday night and every tv station was featuring her tragic accident. I went into shock not sleeping for the next 4 nights. I have a beautiful picture of her my Sydney my friends obtained for me and had it blown up and framed and she hangs on our hallway wall where many people who visit us on the Gold Coast want to know all about her. Every year on this date I light a candle for her. She will never be forgotten. I know God will be keeping her busy in heaven organising all sorts of challenging tasks for her.
Gone from sight but forever in our hearts.
We first met Sue in August 2003 shortly after her Everest ascent, then again in May 2005 when she accepted an impromptu visit to the Junior School where I was a Teacher-Librarian. Different groups came and went depending upon their classes and Sue was most accommodating. For all it was an inspiring and special experience that left an indelible impression. During the following days, several students thanked me for her visit and told me how much she had inspired them. They especially liked the fact that she was an ordinary person to whom they could relate, despite her incredible feats. My husband and I remember her with great fondness. Marissa King, Launceston. Tasmania
As a teacher at Avalon PS I will never forget Sue’s inspirational visit. At the time I was teaching 1/2/3 composite class of very bright children and they were full of questions, excitement and wonder as Sue related her experiences and passion about the mountains, Nepalese people and the beauty of the wilderness. She encouraged the children to follow their dreams and to be passionate about their life journey ahead. I remember her saying the most dangerous part of the climb was the descent and sadly this was true for Sue. As the anniversary of her passing is remembered I wish to send my thoughts and love to her family and let you know she inspired a young generation of children to unlock their adventurous spirit, be humble and appreciate the beauty of nature around them. Her spirit will live on forever.
Rest softly Sue in your beloved mountains and thank you.
I meet Sue a couple of times in Sydney . She was an inspirational,amazing,friendly and down to earth person.I have a signed australia geography photo of sue on Mount Everest 2003 on my wall. Rest In Peace .
Hello my friend, It has been a while and I miss having a chat with you, catching up on news and adventures. You would be surprised at how we’ve all grown, in so many ways. All is well, lots of love, Joanne
Very sad, as someone who has been to Nepal 24 times and works with the AHF, I would luv to have met Sue in my Himalayan travels. Now Sue and Lincoln can talk about the “dherai ramro himal” good times in the mountains . . . Doug Grant
About 18 years ago I attended a conference in Tassie. My roomie was Sue – I had no idea who she was. The opening night of the conference went rather late and I remember, climbing out of bed, Sue came back in, returning from a long morning run, offering me a cuppa with a her signature grin. I admired her mind over matter already that morning. Wondering over to the conference, my jaw dropped, when I saw her walking on stage, being “kinda a big deal” and listening to her talking to the audience about the strength of one’s mind, I smiled to myself about the fact, that Sue had no inflated ego at all – she was happy to be just a roomie at a conference.
We laughed about this, days later, when I told her that I admired her climbing accomplishments. Her response was, “Dunja, it is overrated. Anyone healthy can do it, if your mindset is right. What sets one apart as a leader is the fact that you are able to make life changing decisions in a matter of split seconds”. What a passionate leader she was – she keeps inspiring many of us years after her passing.
Good job fellas – a lovely tribute to your sister – a truly remarkable person.
I climbed with Sue in Cordillera Real in Bolivia and Cordillera Blanca Peru in July 1992. She kindly loaned me $USD100 after I was running low on funds (robbed in La Paz). Attached two photographs of acclimatization climb on Ala Izquierda (right wing) of Condoriri (5648 m) on 8th July 1992. Sue is standing on the top of a rock rib on the prominence with Huayna Potosi (6088 m) in the background.
It was great to see her go all the way on the 8000ers.
Your photo of Sue appears to be above the terminal moraine and lake of the glacier below Wallunaraju in the Cordillera Blanca near Huaraz, Peru
Hi John and Grahame. It’s Jackie Ballard here – I am going to climb the highest mountain in England in memory of Sue on what would have been her 60th birthday next week. All our childhood we both shared the vision of great adventures! I have created a fundraising page on the Fred Hollows site to commemorate the walk. Wish me luck! Fingers crossed it does not snow! Thinking of you both. JB
The Fred Hollows Foundation – Climbing a mountain in memory of childhood friend Sue Fear
Love you Sue ❤️